Sharon founded Change Gangs: Virtual Giving Circles because she believes your donation is a big deal, and she wants to close the gap between the size of your wallet and the size of the impact you can make on your favorite cause.
She is the nationwide expert on Giving Circles and has created the largest electronic repository of information documenting the tools, strategies, and accomplishments of some of America’s 800 giving circles.
The Generosity Expert
Happiness doesn’t come around looking for you. No, happiness requires that you engage in life with all of who you are and with all of what you have to give.
But giving isn’t always easy. Sometimes we give too much. Sometimes we give in the wrong way. Sometimes we just don’t where or how to give.
After spending a year waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks, I had to admit something…. I didn’t give very much. I was a hard worker and I was honest and kind to people, but all in all, I wasn’t giving very much TO myself and I wasn’t giving very much OF myself. Thus began my journey of becoming a giver and finding happiness.
Happiness of course means different things to different people, and can can even mean different things at different times. For many, happiness is the feeling of well-being and contentment when things important to us are going well, but I’m talking about the sort of long-term, foundational happiness in which we have a feeling of well-being and contentment with who we are and our contribution to the world.
That’s the kind of happiness you find through giving to yourself, giving to others, and giving to the world.
Living Generously
Discover the 7 Generosity Habits for being healthy and happy in body, mind and spirit at Living Generously Every Day.
Virtual Giving Circles
To close the gap between the size of your wallet and the size of the impact you can make on the causes you care about, visit Change Gangs: Virtual Giving Circles.
Giving Circles Advice
To start your own giving circle or learn from the experiences of people around the world running their own giving circles, you can find great resources and interviews at Giving Circles Help.
Thank You
I hope the resources on this page will help you find that happiness and avoid the pitfalls along the way. If I can help you along your journey, I would be honored.
Please contact me about speaking or participating in one of my training programs.
In the meantime, Give. Live. Love.